SEO Simplified.

Search Engine Optimization otherwise known as SEO can seem confusing at first. Especially, when it is used in a sentence with other abbreviations. The whole conversation can quickly become a blur.

So, lets break it down. First, what is SEO? It’s a way to improve your website so that it will appear closer to the top positions in the search results of Google, Yahoo, Bing or other search engines. When you search something on Google the order that is shown is based on complex algorithms. These algorithms take a number of factors into account when placing things in first, second, third, etc. 

One of the factors taken into account is keywords. For example, if you were searching for nail salons in Jacksonville. Having the keyword Jacksonville in content and on webpage is important for nail salons in the Jacksonville area to be seen on the first page. 

Thus, optimizing your website is important for your business. It helps put you on that first page as talked about previously. It is also proven that most people don’t look beyond the first page. This means being on that first page is crucial for your business to be recognized and to get new customers. To get there it truly comes down to good content. This will help your site be successful. Without good content, SEO won’t even matter. 

Another term you may hear when talking about SEO, is Search Engine Marketing (SEM). SEO and SEM are not the same thing, but they are related.  SEO primarily revolves around placing keywords strategically through the site, link building, and establishing site authority. SEM is the overarching umbrella for online marketing. It includes SEO, and content creation such as: blogs, guest blogs, press releases, and infographics. SEM also has local directory optimization, NAP syndication and link building. The goal is to increase the digital foot print across the web so when the targeted audience are searching for information on search engines, they are directed to the businesses website, articles or directory. This brings overall awareness to the business.

SEO is a key part of SEM. The main objective of SEO is to help get better rankings on search engines like Google. Implementing SEO is not an easy task which is where our team at Integrated Webworks come in. We provide the help you need to keep up with the ever changing algorithms. To ensure that you are optimizing your keywords and helping create good content to get you to that first page. 

With 15 years of experience, we believe in empowering companies with the right strategy necessary to succeed. Give us a call today at 904-279-0279 or visit us at Integrated Webworks.